Friday, November 13, 2009

Droid from another galaxy

Motorola Droid is here and guess what i got one :). More details about tech specs coming soon

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Monday, January 12, 2009

Blackberry Storm Specs

Display: Touchscreen, 65K colors, 360*480 pixels, 3.25 inches
Dimensions : 112.5 x 62.2 x 14 mm
Weight : 155 gms
Memory : 1 GB internal memory + 8/16 GB Micro SD
Connectivity : GPRS, EDGE, 3G
OS: version 4.7
Camera: 3 + Megapixel, 2048x1536 pixels

The Blackberry Storm

I have waited for the BB Storm for so long. I hv decided to throw my speel on how it compares with the iPhone (I do have both phones). Here is a quick jab at what the Storm is all about. 

We all know that Blackberries are traditionally big on havinga  real full QWERTY keyboard. It is all about improvising corporate productivity by providing email access to cell phone and be able to reply back to it in a jiffy. You would be surprised to see the Blackberry Storm being a drastic change from RIM's usual products, the real keyboard is missing. This is replaced by a Suretype keyboard in Portrait mode and full qwerty touch screen phone in Landscape mode.

The screen is slightly  bigger with a resolution of 480*360 (a tid more than the iPhone and true letterbox mode).  The touch screen provides full tactile feedback to keypress. Altogether the touch screen is a totally different experience on the Storm unlike any others.

When the Storm came out on Nov 21st, 2008, every one started comparing this phone with the iphone  and a lot of bad reviews have come out about this phone partially due to Apple junkies telling around how the Storm is not an iPhone. I absolutely love my storm. I also own an apple iPhone so i know what is good and bad on both phones.

Just like some  one said on the internet, either you will absolutely love it or you would hate it totally. But dont make the decision based on reading mixed reviews on the internet. Go to a store play with it, demo it and make sure you like most common features like Email, Internet browsing, audio/video playback, sound quality of phone calls etc.

I am sure you wont be disappointed at least after the first few updates on software for the BB Storm. Remember the iPhone is so good now only after 2 - 3 yrs and several software updates that came out. Most Apple junkies tend to forget that

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Windows 7 and VMware fusion

I wasnt very keen on trying the beta for Windows 7 up until one of my buddies mentioned about it. The reviews looked pretty good, but after all the pain from battling with Windows Vista, i thought it would be a waste of my time trying out this new OS. I recently purchased a Macbook (not Pro) and had upgraded it to 4 gb ram so that i can run my Windows XP and applications while enjoying the MAC interface using VMWare Fusion (2.x).

Started downloading the beta (which i heard some rumours that the download was going to be slow as well as Microsoft taking the site offline in early hours). Either ways, i did start the download during the night time (US), so it really did go fast eventually. The DVD iso image was a whopping 2.4gb..jeez...

Copied over the iso image to a USB external hard drive so i could boot using ISO image from VMWare Fusion in MAC. I also selected the type of OS as Windows Server 2008 (32bit). The default HDD type is SCSI, for safety reasons (driver issues) i changed this to IDE (you have to delete the SCSI and add a new IDE). Allocated 100 gb (not all at once) to the hard drive. The installation process was super fast. All i remember is telling it to boot from the image and a few things like new Install or upgrade, as well as the CD key. I have to give that to the WIndows 7 team that the instalation went with out any hassles and was much faster than any of the previous Windows versions.

The interface seems so much Like Windows Vista. It has a much better selection of themes and backgrounds can be slideshowed (change at specified intervals automatically). IE 8 looks pretty sweet and fast to load. Some of the new features for browsing and resizing windows are very cool. I think the WIndows 7 team really did their homework from bad feedbacks about how Vista was so slow.

New features like Accerelerators help improve search on the internet more productive and faster. Two problems i have so far with Windows 7

a. I run it on VMWare , so i dont know if its because of that. The sound card on my macbook is connected to the VMWare machine. All other OSes like XP, Vista can recognize and play sounds, but on Windows 7, the sound card does show up, but does not play any sounds...Bug ???, driver issue?

b. I downloaded the free beta edition of Kaspersky labs Antivirus (one of the Recommended 3, AVG, Norton are the others). It did install succesffully but its not able to update its antivirus database. It seems connecting to the update server, but then it errors out...cant expect much when its free beta software...

Over all i am impressed with the performance enhancements which were lacking in Vista...Good job Windows 7 team.