Sunday, June 24, 2007

Acer Laptop for 499$

This was a sweet deal i got from Circuit City, of course after mail in rebates of 259$....(hope it all comes back)..The laptop is from Acer, has AMD 64 bit Turion processor (2.0 ghz) with 1 gb ram, Windows Vista Home Premium, 120Gb hard drive (This is good, but only 4200 rpm drive), 256 mb ram on the Video card (ATI Mobility Radeon), built in wireless. For 499$ this is a good deal. And guess what for this same price, I also got a Lexmark printer and a Antivirus software from Computer Associates......

Multiplayer - Ridge racer

Few friends from good old days at CET who are in the US had visited recently. They seem to be very busy racing with each other on Ridge racer on my xbox360.