Sunday, November 19, 2006

MChief climbs on MChief

Head on Head match: Click to enlarge.

Click to enlarge

Controllers for sale

Look at my house turned into a controller showroom..LOL
Click to enlarge pictures.

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Sunday, November 12, 2006

Halo 2 Frag fest - Stats updated (Scroll below)

I remember those days, over a year ago, when we all meet up at one of the many in the gang's apartment , bring multiple televisions in, along with xbox (regular) consoles for a frag festival. Halo and Halo2 were our all time system link based favourites. Since last one year..all my buddies have been busy and career focused (including myself)..that we have never been able to find time to get together and get fragged..

I am glad somebody brought this up on our Friday night dinner party at Melting pot about setting up a Halo2 lan party on Saturday. I dont remember who brought up the idea, was too drunk myself...

Again the venue for the event was decided to be at my house, now that i have a 50 inch plasma tv + a 27 inch tv which could be used for a second xbox console. I decided to borrow a projector from ma office which could help connect a third xbox console. So all together I could setup 3 xbox consoles on the lan on three different tv's, to accomodate up to 12 players. The audience included 10 people (7 men, 3 women). We had two long sessions of gaming from 2.00 pm to 8.00 pm in the night on Saturday) and then from 12.00 am on Sunday morning to 6.00 am. (God i couldnt believe that we stayed up all night playing Capture the flag) and slept almost half the day on Sunday morning. At the time of writing, I m feeling sleepy, so I am Parding your Beggon!! (I ll give ya 5 bucks if you can guess what that is!!)

The second session had only 5 people, the women walked away from the gaming session for da night to take care of their own discussions (you know what they talk when they meet up). We split ourselves into teams of two (with no choice), a team of two (myself and vinod) and a team of three. (aslam, ibu and partha). Ibu was supposed to be a football between the two teams..viz..he was supposed to alternate between the two, which betrayingly he didnt...(sucker)

Here are the gamer profile mappings.

Sankar - cciesucker (Blue team)

Vinod - lynx (Blue team)

Aslam - coolchic (Red team)

Partha - Aslam (Red team) (not sure why he chose Aslam)

Ibu - Jaggesh (Red team)

We selected Coagulation (which is one of the biggest levels in Halo2) to play CTF and this game went on for ever with no result at 6.00 am in the morning, when every bodys hands and shoulders were numb with 6 hours of non-stop fragging. i m still having my elbow and fingers paining, coz of last nights play. We played about 25-30 rounds of this CTF in Coagulation with a final result of 1-1 (Red vs Blue)

Click on pictures below to enlarge them:

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